
Posts are the entries of content that display in the reverse chronological order on your home page. Creating a WordPress post is not a difficult task.

But some times, it is difficult for newbies to understand the option available while creating a new post. This article will help you to write your new post. We will cover each and every option used when you create a new post.

To add a new post, first you need to login to your WordPress Admin area. Click on Posts >> Add New in your WordPress Admin Panel.

When you click on Add New option you will see Add New Post page where you’ll create your new post like below screenshot:

The first field you’ll see is Title box. This is the field where you need to enter the title of your post.

Right below the Title field you will see Permalink. This permalink is automatically generated when you insert your post title. You can also modify the URLs and make them search engine friendly.

Next is your Post Editor field. This the field where you’ll write your content. On the right side of the post editor box, you’ll see two tabs- Visual and Text. You can use visual WYSIWYG editor where WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get”. You can add actual content of your post in this tab.

In the visual editor tab you’ll find a Formatting Toolbar with lots of text formatting options. You can use these option when you want to format your post.

When you click on text editor tab, you will see the HTML version of your post content. You can modify the HTML code of your post content in this tab. So, write a post in visual editor is a bit easy than editing the HTML code of your post.

Once you enter the content of your post you can publish or save it to draft by clicking on Save Draft button to publish it later.

In above screenshot you can see many options. Save Draft will allow you to save your post in draft and you will publish it later. You can also see  how your post will look on your blog by clicking on preview button.

The Status only shows the current status of your post that if your post has been draft or published.

The Visibility shows that who can view your post. When you define the visibility of your post public, it means anyone can see your post. If you define it private or password protected then only registered users and the one who knows the password can view your post.

You can also add category and tags in your post . We will cover these topics in a separate post.

We hope that this guide will help you in creating your new post on your WordPress website. If you’ve any queries then please let us know.

About author

Kriti Jain

Kriti is a passionate blogger and WordPress wanderer. She explores WordPress everyday and shares her findings with the web world.